Do you have a permanent tan?
...are you suffering from sudden fatigue and insomnia?
...have pounding headaches?
...are you constantly being asked how to fix the racial ills of the world or feeling torn on how to engage people about it?
You may be suffering from Racial Exhaustion.
Symptoms also include:
Alternating between wanting to crawl into bed and wanting kick scream and holler
Total inability to focus on typical daily tasks
Total disintegration of any previously existing filter
Excessive side-eye
Higher than normal amounts of letter writing
A calendar filled with protests
Going on unfollow/de-friending sprees
And more...
If you find yourself suffering from any of the above symptoms, we recommend that you TAKE A BREAK.
Hug your loved ones. Take a walk. Watch a stupid TV show. Take a nap. Do your nails.
Side effects may include:
A fleeting smile
Decreased blood pressure
Renewed energy
Ability to restore focus
And more.
Take care of yourself, and guard yourself against burnout. Rest, it has been said, is also a form of resistance. We are fighting a lot right now, and are vulnerable in so, so many ways.
Stay encouraged. Stay well. Stay focused.
Sending love to everyone right now, especially my fellow Black people who, after centuries of shouting, may finally be heard .